There is so much coming at all of us. It’s almost laughable, what we expect of ourselves. Being an adult is difficult. Being a musician is a struggle. Just being a human is frankly pretty tough. And that’s before we really account for sorrow or the mourning of loved ones, or the kind of stress at work or with family that makes us all wish (at least once in a while) that we could move to a sheep pasture somewhere* in Scotland or Nova Scotia or New Zealand. (Are there sheep there? I don’t know.) And what of wrongdoing? Have we not all been deeply, hurtfully wronged at least a few times? We are just supposed to be all happy and productive amidst all of this crap???

*unless you are already a sheepherder,** in which case I imagine you have your own sort of stresses and worries and you wish you could escape to…? A quiet museum? Maybe an isolated lighthouse?

**I’m sorry sheepherders. I didn’t mean to single you out. Please forgive me.

Okay. DEEP BREATH. We are all, even the sheepherders among us, facing a ton of work and countless demands. Each of us deserves a restful pause and a few exhilarating, deep breaths. And not just once in a while, but several times a day. We are asking too much of ourselves, every last one of us. Let’s allow ourselves more time, more forgiveness, and as silly as it may sound, more breath.